MELLA: February Shipping Update

February 01, 2018

Happy February! A few shipping updates:

January Tier (Non-Purple) Update

All January tier rewards (except purple - keep reading) have been fulfilled! Please check your email for your tracking information if you have not yet received your MELLA.

If you have any questions about MELLA, please shoot me an email at

February Tier (Non-Purple) Update

Earlier this week, our warehouse received MOAR PRODUCTS (by boat) and we are packing ALL non-purple February rewards today. USPS will be picking everything up tomorrow! If you are in the US, you can expect your shipment in 2-3 business days. If you are international, you can expect your shipment in 10-14 business days.

Either tomorrow or this weekend, you will receive an email with your USPS tracking information.


Purple MELLAs are getting on a plane very soon and will arrive next Thursday, February 8th. We plan to ship the remainder of all Kickstarter rewards (basically only the purple MELLAs now) the week of February 12th.

What's Next?

We are now available for regular order/at retail at Tell your friends and family if you love your MELLA :)

We plan on expanding our distribution soon and are very excited for what's to come. New distribution channels?! New products?! The sky's the limit now. We couldn't have done it without you, and won't forget your amazing support!

