I lost my instruction manual. Where can I download it?
You can download MELLA's instruction manual here in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.
You can also watch the detailed set up video for MELLA here.
I need a new cable or adapter as mine is no longer working or I have lost it. Where can I get spare parts?
We sell our cable/adapter as a set on our website here.
What age is MELLA recommended for?
MELLA is designed to grow with your child! MELLA can be used in an infant's room as a night light and sleep sounds machine. MELLA's sleep trainer function is best used with children starting at the age of 2, when they are starting to learn colors. As your child grows out of the sleep trainer, MELLA can be used as a regular alarm clock and timer.
What comes in the box?
Each box comes with a MELLA clock, a 4 feet cable, an A/C wall adapter and an instruction manual. Please contact us at support@littlehippo.com if you are missing any of those items.
MELLA's display is flickering. The night light and/or sound machine doesn't stay on for more than a few seconds anymore. How can I fix it?
Something is wrong with my MELLA. How can I troubleshoot it?
The first step is to try a hard reset. First unplug MELLA from the wall. Then, use the included battery pin (inside the instruction manual) to eject and remove the CR2032 battery (if installed). Removing the CR2032 battery will erase all preserved memory settings. Then, re-install the CR2032 battery and close the cartridge. Plug MELLA back into the wall. Check to see whether the problem persists. If so, reach out to our customer support team at support@littlehippo.com.
After I take the protective sticker off MELLA's screen and turn MELLA on, I see lines running across the screen display.
The lines should disappear quickly. If they do not, perform a hard reset. First, ensure the sticker is removed from the unit. Then, unplug MELLA from the wall. Use the included battery pin (inside the instruction manual) to eject and remove the CR2032 battery (if installed). Removing the CR2032 battery will erase all preserved memory settings. Then, re-install the CR2032 battery and close the cartridge. Plug MELLA back into the unit. Check to see whether the problem persists. If so, reach out to our customer support team at support@littlehippo.com.
I set the alarm/sleep trainer/nap function but none of them are working.
After you set the alarm/sleep trainer/nap timer function for the first time, the functions are automatically toggled OFF. Press the alarm/sleep trainer/nap timer button on the bottom of the clock to toggle the function ON. When the alarm is toggled on, an alarm icon will appear on the display. When the sleep trainer is toggled on, either a sun or moon icon will appear on the display. When the nap timer is toggled on, a clock icon will appear on the display.
My MELLA stopped working suddenly - it won't power on anymore and/or the display no longer illuminates.